About Me

Welcome to my media blog! I'm Andrea Walker and I'm currently studying media, art and drama for my A Levels. I've got a very creative nature as you can tell from my subject choices. I really hope you enjoy looking through my blog, and seeing all my hard work especialy our music video which we are very proud of!

Our Final Draft

Friday 4 November 2011

Primary images of our location..
Here are a couple of pictures I took on a day out to Southend which is one of our main locations..

This is the less busy end of the beach where there is plenty of sad, so we are hoping to film around here somewhere. This photo was taken during the day at around 3 o'clock, it happened to be a really nice day, it was warm and the sky was blue.

This is the other end of the beach, opposite to the end seen in the previous picture. This end has much less sand however we might chose to do some shots sitting on the ledges leading into the sea or even just sitting on the stones seen in the picture above. This photo was taken much later in the day, as it began to get darker. We have to be careful with the lighting, making sure we get there early, as we know it gets dark much earlier now.

Heres a picture of me and my dad just to prove that I was actually there!

This picture I took inspired my idea of having the heart being washed away by the sea as our song is about breakup.

There is a mixture of sand and stones down at Southend so we can experiment with different shots.

These pictures were taken on a weekend and not during a holiday period, this was a good time to go as there weren't many people, as you can see from my pictures, and so this would be a much better time to go and film, as we wouldn't be interfering with the public.

We will have to carefully plan our day, making sure we have all our equipment (eg camera, tripod, snorricam, flip cam) as South end is far and will not be easy to go back and forth from. We will need someone to take us there and back as well as a boy for some of the shots we are hoping to get, which we have recently storyboarded. We aren't particularly worried about the weather, either way we'll get some great shots, however we will take umbrellas to keep the equipment dry and warm clothing just in case it rains.

Secondary images..ideas of other locations and shots we've discussed using (recently story boarded)

We are hoping to go and film in either Broad Walk or Trent park, as we want to make the most out of the golden autumn colour leaves which would make some really lovely shots. It would create an effective contrast compared to to our location we are setting up with petals. It's symbolising time passing. We begin with the petal location which is spring, we then move to a summer location at Southend and then we go to the forest which will show winter.

As mentioned before we really liked the idea of having a pillow fight with the room set up similar to the photo below with fairy lights and draped sheets. The pillow fight is showing us having fun, despite the breakup. We want to represent women as being strong despite feeling hurt 'my armour was cracked'. The lyrics are basically telling the boyfriend that your nothing with out me 'your not livin till your livin, livin with me' and so us having fun shows what he'd be missing out on.

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