About Me

Welcome to my media blog! I'm Andrea Walker and I'm currently studying media, art and drama for my A Levels. I've got a very creative nature as you can tell from my subject choices. I really hope you enjoy looking through my blog, and seeing all my hard work especialy our music video which we are very proud of!

Our Final Draft

Monday 19 March 2012

In today's lesson unfortunately Beste wasn't here however I decided to make a few tweaks here and there on our music video. When watching it back on You Tube me and Beste noticed a sound of us laughing at South end which was heard on the shot of me singing into the microphone. However when I looked back on iMovie there was no detached audio. I then discovered that the clip hadn't been muted, and so i muted it, although i am still confused because the sound which we heard was not the sound from the actual clip being shown. It has however fixed the problem which is whats important.

I then went through and adjusted specific shots to make sure that they were all framed more professionally. For example in one of the snow shots at 2:00 when we are running around the tree, the tree was more positioned to the right, so I cropped it using the cropping and rotation tool so that we would be more central.

I also added in a transition at the end, so that it would fade out to black rather than just cutting off. It makes it flow nicely rather than just finishing abruptly. I also adjusted the title of our song at the beginning as i felt it faded out too quickly. It was difficult to get it right as there isn't a separate option to fade in and out, only the option fade in/out, so I had to find a way to make it longer and continue fading out into our animation.

I watched our music video over and over and noted down all the little things I could improve. I noticed that some of the lip syncing was slightly out and so I tried to adjust it making it fit in time with the music. Hopefully it is now all on time. I also noticed that one of the panning shots of Beste crouched down by the door didn't look right. I therefore swapped the shot with clip which I felt was framed better. This is seen at 1:46, and compared to what it was before I think it looks much better, hopefully Beste will agree.

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