About Me

Welcome to my media blog! I'm Andrea Walker and I'm currently studying media, art and drama for my A Levels. I've got a very creative nature as you can tell from my subject choices. I really hope you enjoy looking through my blog, and seeing all my hard work especialy our music video which we are very proud of!

Our Final Draft

Monday 12 March 2012

Today me and Beste spent most of our day editing piecing together all our remaining footage. We decided that we wanted the ending to be split into two sections. The first section goes with the lyrics 'this is the potential break up song' where we included shots which suggested the breakup, for example the cake smashing (symbolising the anger and hurt), the birds flying away (symbolising freedom), a shot where i'm staring at the clocks through the barriers on the steps (the barriers symbolising the feel of being trapped) etc. For the second section the lyrics say 'this is the potential makeup song' where we inserted lots of shots of us having fun, we also reversed some of the clips for example the one where a snowball distroys the word 'love'. This looked quite effective and we felt the idea behind it worked really well. We both really like the idea that our music video uses enigma codes, it is an open text, open to interpretation. The audience do not know whether they do breakup or whether they don't.

In the afternoon, although we had practically finished I decided to make a few adjustments and tweeks here and there. I turned the contrast up on some of the clips in order to bring out and enhance the colours. I also used the cropping and rotation tool to crop certain clips in order to frame the shot more professionally. I also inserted a few more quick shots to make sure that the clips change on the beat of the music. I also added in the title of our song to our opening shot. We still need to make a few adjustments on this however i feel that we had a very productive day and I know that we are very happy with our result. We are very nearly finished!

Here is our sixth draft, our first final draft..

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