About Me

Welcome to my media blog! I'm Andrea Walker and I'm currently studying media, art and drama for my A Levels. I've got a very creative nature as you can tell from my subject choices. I really hope you enjoy looking through my blog, and seeing all my hard work especialy our music video which we are very proud of!

Our Final Draft

Thursday 21 July 2011

Recently we have not only been discussing ideas for our music video but have also been practising using some of the equipment. Me and Joely have had lots of fun testing out the new green screen using a number of different backgrounds in order to see if there was any particular colour which didn't come out well. We found that the white background made me become quite fuzzy and so we know to try and avoid using this colour when making our music video. We also found that the quality on the flip camera wasn't very good and made me become extremely fuzzy and patchy, therefore we had to re film everything with the new HD Panasonic cameras. The quality was a hundred times better, you can probably see the difference in the take out video that we also made.

Here is a little take out video we made, just for fun...

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