About Me

Welcome to my media blog! I'm Andrea Walker and I'm currently studying media, art and drama for my A Levels. I've got a very creative nature as you can tell from my subject choices. I really hope you enjoy looking through my blog, and seeing all my hard work especialy our music video which we are very proud of!

Our Final Draft

Thursday 5 January 2012

Monday was a very long day of preperation and filming. We spent the morning shopping for all our props such as the clocks, a birthday cake, glitter, bubbles, petals etc. We then went back to my house to begin filming. We started off with the introduction to our music video. We tried a couple of different ideas for this, suchas having bubbles float and then pop on our logo but then I suggested that we should try covering our logo in glitter then blowing it away left to reveal our name..'The Capulets'. We really liked the outcome of this one inparticular. We used silver, pink and purple glitter as we wanted to stick to our girly bright colour scheme. I then blew the glitter away using a hairdryer which worked effectively and we tried this a couple of times just in case we found something wrong with it when editing. This took us a while to set up as we discovered a number of problems. We couldn't adjust the camera to fit the logo onto the screen without it cutting bits off so I printed a smaller copy which allowed us to work around this problem.

After spending lots of time cleaning up the glitter we moved onto another rather messy piece of footage where we have a shot of a birthday cake smashing. This goes with the lyrics 'Except for the fact it was my birthday', where she is angry that her boyfriend has forgotten her birthday. We went to a number of shops to try and find a suitable cake, with lots of cream so that it could splatter, however when we finally found one it was the last left. This meant that we could do one one take, and so there was quite abit of pressure to get it right the first time round. Luckily after carefully adjusting the camera and positioning ourselves correctly, Beste pressed record and I dropped the cake!

Here is before picture of the cake..

And here it is after..

We then moved on to the clock scene where we are introduced to the first artist, in this case me. Originally we wanted to hang the clocks on the wall however the wall in which we had planned to do this was not wide enough to fit me and the clocks in the shot. We still wanted to keep the idea so we tried to think of other places we could do this for example lying on the floor with the clocks surrounding me however we already have an over head shot when we use our petal location. We then put the clocks on the stairs instead as we felt this was quite a funky idea. We tried a variety of different shots including a low-angle shot which has the camera looking up at the subject, who then appears important, powerful, or domineering, exactly the effect we were hoping for.

Here are some pictures showing you my costume and our location taken during filming..


  1. Well done Andrea. You and Beste have shot some great footage. Upload your raw footage onto our blog and comment on ideas and inspiration for editing it.

    Add more key terminology to make your digipak analysis more analytical: connotations / mid shot / studio shot...
