About Me

Welcome to my media blog! I'm Andrea Walker and I'm currently studying media, art and drama for my A Levels. I've got a very creative nature as you can tell from my subject choices. I really hope you enjoy looking through my blog, and seeing all my hard work especialy our music video which we are very proud of!

Our Final Draft

Thursday 26 January 2012

Over the past few months I've been watching Super Natural, an American television series which debuted on September 13, 2005 and I absolutely love it. I'm currently working my way through the box set. It Stars Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester and Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester, the series follows the brothers as they hunt demons and other figures of the supernatural. The series is produced by Warner Bros. 

I've noticed that they use lots of creative camera angles and shots which I've found really adds to the drama and excitement of it all. For example at one point Sam and Dean are examining a body in a morgue. At the end of the scene Dean pushes the body back into the freezer, however the camera is in the place of the body so as the door slides back into the freezer the camera goes in with it. The gap between inside the freezer and outside the freezer gets smaller as the door closes until the camera is in complete darkness. I really liked this shot as I thought it was an effective way to transit between the two scenes. It was quite a chilling moment as it puts us, the viewers, in place of the dead body.

Below is a clip from YouTube showing highlights from different episodes from season 2, showing the funny love hate relationship between the two brothers Sam and Dean.

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