About Me

Welcome to my media blog! I'm Andrea Walker and I'm currently studying media, art and drama for my A Levels. I've got a very creative nature as you can tell from my subject choices. I really hope you enjoy looking through my blog, and seeing all my hard work especialy our music video which we are very proud of!

Our Final Draft

Friday 13 January 2012

On Wednesday during my free period I decided to try and attempt at making an animation by drawing. At first I tried drawing the stick people again and again on separate pieces of paper but noticed that in each drawing the people looked different. I therefore decided to make photocopies of the first drawing which I could then add the hearts and the speech bubbles to. This was a very lengthy process which took a lot care in order to make sure the hearts and letters were all in the exact same places. However with the hearts I changed their positioning each time moving them up slightly then down slightly to try and give the effect that they were beating. I also carefully planned for the mouth on the male stick man to open and close in time with what he was saying rather than just having it open and close randomly.

During today's lesson we decided to film the animation. We had to line the paper up very carefully and make sure that with each shot the placing of the stick people stayed the same so that it wouldn't move around when we edited them all together. We inserted our animation shots between the logo shot and the shot of me on the steps and made sure that we had cut them down enough to fit in time with the music. Once we were happy with our animation and the timing, we continued editing the footage in which we had previously filmed. We made sure that all the lip syncing was precise, as this is very important in order to achieve a professional looking music video.

Here is what we have put together so far..

As you can see we have decided to change the video effect on imovie of the shots where I am staring at the clocks. We did this to show that it is in the past, which is also shown by the fact that I am not singing. At the moment we know that it looks slightly random but hopefully once we add in more of these shots, with this effect, it will become more obvious to the audience.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really happy with what we've achieved so far! I made some of my family members watch it and they all really like it too, they also really like our animation, my mum loved it! :D
